There are other ways to use the laboratory distiller and achieve the same result. It is possible to distil with a glass tube with a special shape called the Vigreux column. This type of column has glass protuberances inside it that improve distillation by increasing the condensation surface area. The type of column, its length and whether it is filled are crucial in determining the distillation efficiency.

Column of vigreux for laboratory distiller
Depending on the type of reaction to be achieved, it is necessary to choose the right column.
Separating two mixtures with similar boiling points is a more complex situation than another where I have two compounds with very different boiling points. In the first case, you have to use a longer column, and perhaps provide a filler. In the second case, it is enough to use a simpler column to achieve a good separation in a much shorter time. These are the two extremes of choice, but there are many variations in between.
With the advice of the experts at Colaver, you will be able to find the right instrument.